TII Technical Education Systems (TII) is an internationally known leader in providing integrated, hands-on learning systems. Since our founding in 1964, we have excelled at producing innovative laboratory equipment and curricula geared toward technical training, workplace skills, and industrial certifications for schools, industry and government agencies worldwide. We aim to change lives by providing innovative technical training solutions to learning centers worldwide. TII’s broad product line offers instruction in each of the major areas of technology skills training used in industrial systems today:
Technology Fundamentals, Advanced Systems, and Integrated Automation.
Our curriculum and learning systems serve as the building blocks for a career-focused education experience. TII’s comprehensive learning solutions provide the experience and knowledge required for real careers in the technology field and skilled trades. Our hands-on programs simulate real-life work conditions that assist in the development of an effective workforce, spanning from entry-level courses to advanced professional training.
Technology fundamental
Advanced systems
Visit our Website https://tii-tech.com/